What, Why and How

Sadly, my efforts to make wtf.lincoln.ac.uk the official address for our Get Satisfaction account weren’t successful, despite receiving widespread support. We are, however, now sporting a brand new and shiny URL at http://wwh.lincoln.ac.uk. The WWH stands for What, Why and How which neatly encompasses a lot of the things which Get Satisfaction will be dealing with. Other suggestions included huh.lincoln.ac.uk (as in “Huh? What?”) and a variety of “eh” and “umm” derivatives.

However, we also have some good news in that we now completely support Get Satisfaction! We can properly moderate conversation to keep it relevant, make sure the Student Reps get recognised, keep people up to date easier and more! Expect to see more news about this through some more channels soon, but if you want to tell anybody to use Get Satisfaction (or What, Why, How) then please feel free.

5 Replies to “What, Why and How”

    1. ask.lincoln.ac.uk was considered, but didn’t make the cut because although it was great for the question side of things it didn’t fully encompass problems and ideas.

  1. Congratulations, Nick. This wouldn’t have happened without your persistence and commitment. I’ll now encourage Get Satisfaction for the blogs and any other apps we use.

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